Forward Marginal Effects (FMEs) are probably the most intuitive way
to interpret feature effects in supervised ML models. Remember how we
interpret the beta coefficient of a numerical feature in a linear
regression model E[Y]=β0+β1x1+…+βpxp:
If xj increases by one unit,
the predicted target variable increases by βj.
FMEs make use of this instinct and apply it straightforwardly to any
In short, FMEs are the answer to the following question:
What is the change in the predicted target variable if we
change the value of the feature by h units?
A few examples: What is the change in predicted blood pressure if a patients’ weight increases by h = 1 kg? What is the change in predicted life satisfaction if a person’s monthly income increases by h = 1,000 US dollars? Per default, h will be 1. However, h can be chosen to match the desired scale of interpretation.
The big advantage of FMEs is that they are very simple. The FME is
defined observation-wise, i.e., it is computed separately for each
observation in the data. Often, we are more interested in estimating a
global effect, so we do the following:
1. Compute the FME for each observation in the
2. Compute the Average Marginal Effect (AME)
For a given observation i and
step size hj, the FME of a
single numerical feature xj is
computed as:
As can be seen from the formula, the FME is simply the difference in
predictions between the original observation x(i) and the changed observation (x(i)1,…,x(i)j+hj,…,x(i)p), where hj is added to the feature xj.
This is just the extension of the univariate FME to two features
xj,xk that are affected
simultaneously by a step. Therefore, the step size becomes a vector
h=(hj,hk), where
hj denotes the change in xj and hk the change in xk:
Equivalent to the step size hj of a numerical feature, we select
the category of interest ch for
a categorical feature xj. For a
given observation i and category
ch, the FME is:
where we simply change the categorical feature to ch, leave all other features x(i)−j unchanged, and compare the predicted value of this changed observation to the predicted value of the unchanged observation. Obviously, we can only compute this for observations where the original category is not the category of interest xj≠ch. See here for an example.
The AME is the mean of every observation’s FME as a global estimate
for the feature effect:
Therefore, the AME is the expected difference in the predicted target
variable if the feature xj is
changed by hj units. For hj = 1, this corresponds to the way we
interpret the coefficient βj
of a linear regression model. However, be careful: the choice of hj can have a strong effect on the
estimated FMEs and AME for non-linear prediction
functions, auch as random forests or gradient-boosted trees.
Marginal effects (ME) are already a widely used concept to interpret
statistical models. However, we believe they are ill-suited to
interpret feature effects in most ML models. Here, we explain why you
should abandon MEs in favor of FMEs:
In most implementations (e.g., Leeper’s margins package), MEs are
computed as numerical approximation of the partial derivative of the
prediction function w.r.t. the feature xj. In other words, they compute a
finite difference quotient, similar to this:
where h typically is very small (e.g. 10−7). As is explained here, these derivative-based MEs (dME) have a number of shortcomings:
Number 1: The formula above computes an estimate for the partial derivative, i.e., the tangent of the prediction function at point x(i). The default way to interpret this is to say: if xj increases by one unit, the predicted target variable can be expected to increase by MEx(i),j. Unconsciously, we use a unit change (h = 1) to interpret the computed ME even though we computed an instantaneous rate of change. For non-linear prediction functions, this can lead to substantial misinterpretations. The image below illustrates this:
The yellow line is the prediction function, the grey line is the
tangent at point x = 0.5. If
interpreted with a unit change, the dME is subject to an error, due to
the non-linearity of the prediction function. The FME, however,
corresponds to the true change in prediction along the secant (green
line) between x = 0.5 and x = 1.5. This is simply by way of design
of the FME, as it describes exactly our intuition of interpreting
partial derivatives.
Number 2: In general, dMEs are ill-suited to describe models based on piecewise constant prediction functions (e.g., CART, random forests or gradient-boosted trees), as most observations are located on piecewise constant parts of the prediction function where the derivative equals zero. In contrast, FMEs allow for the choice of a sensible step size h that is large enough to traverse a jump discontinuity, as can be seen in the example below: At x = -2.5 (green), the dME is zero. Using the FME with h = 1, we get the red point with a different (lower) function value. Here, the FME is negative, corresponding to what happens when x = -2.5 increases by one unit.
In a way, the FME is the much smarter, little brother of the
Scholbeck, Christian A., et al. “Marginal Effects for Non-Linear Prediction Functions.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08837 (2022).