h3r is an interface to {h3lib}, which is itself a wrapper around Uber’s H3 library. See their getting started guide for all the details.
The wrappers are all vectorised, meaning each input can take a vector, and / or return a vector.
h3rlat = c(-37.820197, -37.818476)
lng = c(144.983324, 144.967354)
, resolution = c(1L, 14L)
)# [1] "81be7ffffffffff" "8ebe6356311035f"
Most of the H3 API is included in this package as R functions. The only exceptions are
However, these should all be accessible through the C API
class, or nice printing, or any fancy
sugar-coating of what’s returned from the functions. I’ve kept the
outputs as raw / primitive as possibleH3Index
/ uint64_t
type you need to use
the C / C++ functions directlylatLngToCell
::cellToLatLng(cell = c("8cbe63562a54bff","8cbe635631103ff"))
h3r# lat lng
# 1 -37.82023 144.9832
# 2 -37.81844 144.9674
::cellToBoundary(cell = c("8cbe63562a54bff","8cbe635631103ff"))
h3r# $`8cbe63562a54bff`
# lat lng
# 1 -37.82030 144.9833
# 2 -37.82019 144.9833
# 3 -37.82012 144.9832
# 4 -37.82016 144.9831
# 5 -37.82026 144.9831
# 6 -37.82033 144.9832
# $`8cbe635631103ff`
# lat lng
# 1 -37.81851 144.9675
# 2 -37.81840 144.9675
# 3 -37.81833 144.9674
# 4 -37.81837 144.9673
# 5 -37.81847 144.9673
# 6 -37.81854 144.9674
To use the source C / C++ code in your own package you should only
need to include inst/include/h3rapi.h
In /inst/capi
you’ll find a demo package {h3rc}. This
shows how to include / call the C code from {h3r} into another
The main components you need to address are
- i.e., your own C codeR/myRCode.R
- i.e., your own R codeDepend & Link to {h3r}
Define the functions you want to import from {h3r}
void R_init_h3rc(DllInfo *info)
(info, NULL, callMethods, NULL, NULL);
R_registerRoutines(info, FALSE);
/* Imports from h3r */
= (SEXP(*)(SEXP,SEXP,SEXP)) R_GetCCallable("h3r", "h3rLatLngToCell");
h3rLatLngToCell }
Include the “h3rapi.h” header, then you can call the functions you’ve
registered in src/init.c
#include "h3rapi.h"
(SEXP lat, SEXP lng, SEXP res) {
SEXP h3rcLatLngToCellreturn h3rLatLngToCell(lat, lng, res);
Call the function you’ve defined in h3rc.c
from within
an R function
#' @export
<- function(lat, lon, res) {
ll2Cell .Call(h3rcLatLngToCell, lat, lon, res)
Register your dynamic routines. If using Roxygen to build and document your pacakge you can specify
#' @useDynLib h3rc, .registration = TRUE
and it will be built and added to your NAMESPACE automatically
In /inst/cppapi
you’ve find a demo package {h3rcpp}.
This shows how to include / call the C++ code from {h3r} into another
The main components you need to address are
- i.e., your own C++ codeR/myRCode.R
- i.e., your own R codeThe example package shows how to do this, and it’s very similar to
the C
exmple above. So I’m not going to repeate it.
Instead I’m going to show you an example of how you might want to use it
Consider the output of cellToBoundary()
::cellToBoundary(cell = c("8cbe63562a54bff","8cbe635631103ff"))
h3r# $`8cbe63562a54bff`
# lat lng
# 1 -37.82030 144.9833
# 2 -37.82019 144.9833
# 3 -37.82012 144.9832
# 4 -37.82016 144.9831
# 5 -37.82026 144.9831
# 6 -37.82033 144.9832
# $`8cbe635631103ff`
# lat lng
# 1 -37.81851 144.9675
# 2 -37.81840 144.9675
# 3 -37.81833 144.9674
# 4 -37.81837 144.9673
# 5 -37.81847 144.9673
# 6 -37.81854 144.9674
This gives a list of 2 elements, and each element contains lat/lng coordinates.
You can use the C++ h3r::cellToBoundary()
in your own
workflow, and using other R packages that allow you to link to the
source code.
In this example I’m using {geometries}
to convert to a valid {sf}
The steps inside this function are:
- get the boundaries of each
- makes a single list, with
three vectorssfheaders::sf_polygon()
- convert the result into an
library(sf) ## for the `sf.print` method
# Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
depends = c("h3r", "geometries", "sfheaders") # you need `sfheaders` installed
includes = c(
, '#include "geometries/utils/lists/collapse.hpp"'
'#include "sfheaders/sf/sf.hpp"'
, '#include "h3rapi.h"'
code = '
SEXP sfBoundary(Rcpp::StringVector cells) {
R_xlen_t n = Rf_xlength(cells);
// convert to latLng boundaries
Rcpp::List boundaries = h3r::cellToBoundary(cells);
// need to account for any pentagons
Rcpp::IntegerVector n_pentagons = h3r::isPentagon(cells);
R_xlen_t n_pentagon = n_pentagons[0];
R_xlen_t row_count = (n_pentagon * 5) + ((n - n_pentagon) * 6);
// _collapse_ the boundaries to a list of three vectors
// col0: id
// col1: lat
// col2: lng
Rcpp::List geometries = geometries::utils::collapse_list(boundaries, row_count);
// the `sfheaders` api expects a data.frame or a matrix
Rcpp::DataFrame df = Rcpp::as< Rcpp::DataFrame >(geometries);
Rcpp::IntegerVector idCol = {0};
Rcpp::IntegerVector geometryCol = {1, 2};
return sfheaders::api::sf_polygon(df, geometryCol, idCol, R_NilValue, "XY", false, true);
sfBoundary(cell = c("8cbe63562a54bff","8cbe635631103ff"))
# Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field
# Geometry type: POLYGON
# Dimension: XY
# Bounding box: xmin: -37.82033 ymin: 144.9673 xmax: -37.81833 ymax: 144.9833
# id geometry
# 1 1 POLYGON ((-37.8203 144.9833...
# 2 2 POLYGON ((-37.81851 144.967...